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Sl. No. TITLE Downloads
1. Basic classification and processing of electrical steels
2. Traffic signs detection and identification using NN and CNN
3. Reliability centered maintenance for distribution system infrastructure in Nigeria
4. Effect of Extrusion Technique on Microbiological Quality Assessment of Composite Flour Ready to Eat (RTE) Foods
5. Application of Information Communication Technology (Ict) To Construction Materials Management Processes and Its Impact on Labour Productivity in Two Regions in Ghana
6. The Impact of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) on Power System Performance: A Case Study of the Nigeria 330 kV Power System Network
7. High Leverage: Detrimental to stock price during pandemic/recession in India Date Period: January 01, 2020 to May 30, 2020
8. Nanocluster topological engineering of thin films by laser-hybrid technologies
9. Environmental/Economic Power Dispatch of Thermal Units using Improved ABC Algorithm
10. A Genetic Clustering Method for SUC Problem under Uncertainty in Daily Net Loads
11. Infrared matrix study of reactions of propargyl halides with oxygen
12. Methodology for the calculation of RMP Curves (Repetition, Magnitude, Persistence)
13. Quantifying Effects, Forecasting Releases, and Herd Immunity of the Covid-19 Epidemic in S. Paulo – Brazil