Sl. No. |
Downloads |
1. |
Analysis of Coastal Characteristics in Canggu Area Badung
Regency |
2. |
Saw Dust As Full Replacement Of Fine Aggrgate In Lightweight
Concrete: Any Comparable Strength? |
3. |
Improvement of Emission Color and Efficiency in Blue Light
Emitting Organic Devices Using External Microcavity |
4. |
Incorporating feature derivation into machine learning to predict
software project duration |
5. |
Precipitation forecast model for hydrological units using artificial
neural networks (ANN) |
6. |
Negative Perception of Waste: An Obstacle to the Sustainable
Salubrity of Kinshasa, the Capital City of D.R. Congo |
7. |
Graph Thoery and Dijkstra's Algorithm:A solution for Mumbai's
BEST buses |
8. |
Effects of Asymmetric Boundary Conditions on Plane Couette
Flow with Limiting Nusselt Numbers and Viscous Dissipation |
9. |
Demographic Profile Pattern of Spina Bifida in Enugu, South-
Eastern Nigeria |
10. |
Operating Limits of Railway Lock Stretcher Bar Movements via
Multiaxial Analysis |
11. |
Development and Performance Evaluation of Coconut Dehusking
Machine |
12. |
Automatic cut out two-way energy billing system using power line
communication |
13. |
Influence of Individual Factors on Nurses' Job Satisfaction in
Selected Public Hospitals in Kericho County, Kenya |
14. |
Status and vital role of glaciers at a glance |
15. |
Interpreting Predictive Data Analytics Characteristics of
Undergraduate Freshmen Relating Choice and Selections of
Programs |
16. |
Study of Electrical Energy Potential Using Plasma Gasification
through Garbage Conversion in Ketapang City |
17. |
M-Bus Compatible Meter Reading and Billing Process |