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Sl. No. TITLE Downloads
1. Distribution Characteristics of Dynamic Pressure In Nozzle Flow Meter
2. Economic Dispatch of Wind-Thermal Power System using Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm
3. Study of Physico-chemical characteristics like PH values and electrical conductivities of the river Ganga D/S at different places in Bihar (India) where their tributaries meet with it or nearby places
4. Prospects for the Use of Moss-Fuel for Nuclear Reactors
5. Caracterisation Des Sediments Superficiels De La Lagune Potou (Sud-Est De La Cote D'ivoire) En Periode D'etiage
6. Ecologie et dynamique des écosystèmes : mise en application des critères de la Liste Rouge des Écosystèmes de l'UICN pour l'évaluation de la mangrove de la Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Saloum (RBDS), Sénégal
7. Data mining analysis for text document protection: A Survey
8. Evaluation De L'ecosysteme Forestier De La Commune De Djilor (Fatick, Senegal) Selon La Methode De Classification De L'uicn
9. Raman and XPS characterized cement stabilized lead contaminated soils and solutions