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Sl. No. TITLE Downloads
1. Process optimization of mechanically expressed soursop(Annonamuricata) seeds oil using response surface methodology
2. Advanced Cold Room Control Unit with Microcontroller
3. Optimal Maintenance of Water Borehole Schemes
4. The role of technology acceptance model (TAM) towards information systems implementation success: A Meta-Analysis
5. Response of African Catfishto Bitter Leafmeal (Vernonia Amygdalina): A Sperm Quality Enhancer and Cholesterol Reducer
6. Heavy Metal Composition of Tympanotonus Fuscatus Var. Radula Sold In Markets in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
7. Effect of bee attractants on foraging activities of European bees Apismellifera in Bitter gourd (Momordica charantiaL.)
8. An Assessment of the Effect of Design and Efficiency of Babura and Doko Shelterbelts on Wind speed and Moving Sand
9. Assessment of Factors Responsible for High Cost of Labour in Construction Projects in Uyo, Nigeria
10. A study of grit and parental monitoring as predictors of academic success among the undergraduates in South-Eastern Nigeria
11. Experimental Study on the Elastic Properties of Lime-Cement Concrete
12. Investigating the Performance of The3-Phase Synchronous Machineunder several operating conditions
13. Converting 2D Pictures In Jpeg Into 3D Objects In Space
12. Column adsorption studies for Methylene blue dye removal from aqueous solution using Rubber seed husk activated carbon
15. Economic Evaluation of Quarry Operations InOndo State, Nigeria, Using @RISK ForMonte Carlos Simulation
16. Effect of Palm Tree Leaf Ash on the Compressive Strength of Concrete and its Workability
17. Poultry Brooding Pen Heated By Passive Solar Energy System - Investigating the Effect of Thermal Wall Thickness on the Collection Efficiency
18. The Potential Use Of Coconut Fibre Ash (CFA) In Concrete
19. Model Análisis Ofthesoilpermeability And Filtraationusingthedifferential And Integral Calculus
20. The Effect Of Rice Bran With Tamarind Seed In Feed Impact On Carcass Weight, Carcass Procentage And Internal Organ Weight In Broiler
21. Unicard; National Identity Evolution
22. Models For Predicting The Compressive Strength And Cost Of Laterite–Quarry Dust Concrete Using Extreme Vertices Design
23. Investigating Noise Exposure And Awareness Among Bakery's Workers Within The Gaza Strip
24. Emerging Technology Used in North Indian Central University Libraries: An Innovative Approach
25. Review on Strengthening of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Columns
26. Design and Construction of a Two Input Power Sources with Three Output Terminals Power Bank