Sl. No. |
Downloads |
1. |
Process optimization of mechanically expressed
soursop(Annonamuricata) seeds oil using response surface
methodology |
2. |
Advanced Cold Room Control Unit with Microcontroller |
3. |
Optimal Maintenance of Water Borehole Schemes |
4. |
The role of technology acceptance model (TAM) towards information systems implementation success: A Meta-Analysis |
5. |
Response of African Catfishto Bitter Leafmeal (Vernonia
Amygdalina): A Sperm Quality Enhancer and Cholesterol
Reducer |
6. |
Heavy Metal Composition of Tympanotonus Fuscatus Var.
Radula Sold In Markets in Nasarawa State, Nigeria |
7. |
Effect of bee attractants on foraging activities of European bees Apismellifera in Bitter gourd (Momordica charantiaL.) |
8. |
An Assessment of the Effect of Design and Efficiency of Babura and Doko Shelterbelts on Wind speed and Moving Sand |
9. |
Assessment of Factors Responsible for High Cost of Labour in Construction Projects in Uyo, Nigeria |
10. |
A study of grit and parental monitoring as predictors of academic success among the undergraduates in South-Eastern Nigeria |
11. |
Experimental Study on the Elastic Properties of Lime-Cement Concrete |
12. |
Investigating the Performance of The3-Phase Synchronous
Machineunder several operating conditions |
13. |
Converting 2D Pictures In Jpeg Into 3D Objects In Space |
12. |
Column adsorption studies for Methylene blue dye removal from
aqueous solution using Rubber seed husk activated carbon |
15. |
Economic Evaluation of Quarry Operations InOndo State,
Nigeria, Using @RISK ForMonte Carlos Simulation |
16. |
Effect of Palm Tree Leaf Ash on the Compressive Strength of
Concrete and its Workability |
17. |
Poultry Brooding Pen Heated By Passive Solar Energy System -
Investigating the Effect of Thermal Wall Thickness on the
Collection Efficiency |
18. |
The Potential Use Of Coconut Fibre Ash (CFA) In Concrete |
19. |
Model Análisis Ofthesoilpermeability And
Filtraationusingthedifferential And Integral Calculus |
20. |
The Effect Of Rice Bran With Tamarind Seed In Feed Impact On
Carcass Weight, Carcass Procentage And Internal Organ Weight
In Broiler |
21. |
Unicard; National Identity Evolution |
22. |
Models For Predicting The Compressive Strength And Cost Of
Laterite–Quarry Dust Concrete Using Extreme Vertices Design |
23. |
Investigating Noise Exposure And Awareness Among Bakery's
Workers Within The Gaza Strip |
24. |
Emerging Technology Used in North Indian Central University
Libraries: An Innovative Approach |
25. |
Review on Strengthening of Damaged Reinforced Concrete
Columns |
26. |
Design and Construction of a Two Input Power Sources with Three Output Terminals Power Bank |