Version - 1 [April - 2018]

Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: SER of OSTBC with Multiple Relays Using Hybrid Decode- Amplify and Forward For Cooperative Communications
Author Name :: Chirawat Kotchasarn
Page Number :: 01-07
:: 10.9790/1813-0704010107   

The improvement of wireless communication has been developed very fast in order to increase the performance of communication systems. Particularly, a concept of Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) is purposed to fulfill a high data rate service such as high quality video conference. The MIMO has some restriction i.e. size and power, so it is difficult to set up multiple antennas into a mobile device. To overcome this issue, cooperative communication is purposed to compensate the multiple antennas by using single relays to operate as virtual MIMO. In this paper, we apply multiple relays together with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code (OSTBC) in cooperative communication under Hybrid Decode-Amplify and Forward (HDAF) relaying protocol.............

Keywords - Cooperative communication, Hybrid Decode-Amplify and Forward, moment generating function, multiple relays, orthogonal space-time block code, symbol error rate.

author = {Chirawat Kotchasarn},
title = {SER of OSTBC with Multiple Relays Using Hybrid Decode- Amplify and Forward For Cooperative Communications},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {01-07},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Author Name :: abdunaser O. Susi || paul L. Sims || shranya Sharma || khalid A. Elwegaa || mahmoud A. Mahrous || lloyd R. Heinze || mohamed. Y. Soliman
Page Number :: 08-19
:: 10.9790/1813-0704010819   

Before designing and creating a hydraulic fracture, it is important to understand the parameters that determine the fracture geometry and whether the fracture extends beyond the pay zone. By fixing other mechanical parameters (i.e. Stress, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and Fracture toughness), this study investigates how the lithology barriers and, more importantly, the Composite Layering Effect (CLE) of the pay zone affect the fracture geometry. Additionally, the effect of permeability on fractur geometry at several CLE values examined using three different scenarios (no permeability, low permeability, and high permeability)............

Keywords - hydraulic fracture, fracture geometry, Composite Layering Effect, height/length ratio.

author = {abdunaser O. Susi || paul L. Sims || shranya Sharma || khalid A. Elwegaa || mahmoud A. Mahrous || lloyd R. Heinze || mohamed. Y. Soliman},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {08-19},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Methodology of Assisting and Evaluating the Graduation Project of Architectural Department
Author Name :: Dr. Tamer Refaat || Eman Faiez Maher
Page Number :: 20-35
:: 10.9790/1813-0704012035   

The graduation projects of architectural department could be considered as a conclusion of the educational methodology of all previous years, however it was for general architectural department or specific one such as interior design. The importance of these subjects is that all the universities and colleges try to improve it from time to time. Also they put in their consideration that it could be improvement for the government by making the graduation projects contains ideas that could help in improving the city and solve several problems that faced it. Also all this organizations care about the international and annual architectural competitions of the international union of youth architects. On the other hand the graduation project takes the value of three subjects in the fourth level. This course has been passed through many experiments in examination, supervision and jury............

Keywords - Architectural education, architecture design, assessment of graduation projects, jury team.

author = {Dr. Tamer Refaat || Eman Faiez Maher},
title = {Methodology of Assisting and Evaluating the Graduation Project of Architectural Department},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {20-35},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Research of Generator Gas Preparation System for Gas Usage as Motor Fuel
Author Name :: Pianykh K.K.
Page Number :: 36-44
:: 10.9790/1813-0704013644   

Rapid growth of part of decentralized electricity generation, associated with usage of renewable energy sources for its production, is one of the main areas of modern development of power generating systems. Article deals with the technology of electric energy production with using prepared biomass g gasification. Requirements of manufacturers for quality of gaseous fuels are given in the case of using it as a motor fuel in modern engines. The methods of determining content of polluting components in gas, data on composition of condensate, selected from the generator gas are presented. Gas purification scheme is designed for use of solid residues from gasification process of prepared biofuels. Results of the analysis of sorption properties of coke-ash residue and results of gas purification with its usage as a filter are presented. Results of the complex for production of electric energy by gasification method and its ecological indicators are presented.

Keywords - Electricity, renewable energy sources, biomass, gasification.

author = {Pianykh K.K.},
title = {Research of Generator Gas Preparation System for Gas Usage as Motor Fuel},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {36-44},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: The Mediating Role Of Employee Performance: The Effects Of Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence And Role Conflict On Job Satisfaction
Author Name :: Noerhayati Amirullah || H. Abdul Rahman Mus || Baharuddin Semmaila || Roslina Alam
Page Number :: 45-51
:: 10.9790/1813-0704014551   

The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the effects of transformational leadership, emotional intelligence role conflict on employees performance and job satisfaction in the community health care centers in Makassar. Population in this study that the entire staff working in community health care centers in the city of Makassar, which amounted to 513 officers and scattered or work at 14 community health care centers. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique with the formulations slovin thus obtained a sample of 225 employees, results of data analysis structural equation modeling using AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) software provides evidence that the transformational leadership, emotional intelligence and role conflict significant effect on employees performance......

Keywords - Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, performance, role conflict, transformational leadership.

author = {Noerhayati Amirullah || H. Abdul Rahman Mus || Baharuddin Semmaila || Roslina Alam},
title = {The Mediating Role Of Employee Performance: The Effects Of Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence And Role Conflict On Job Satisfaction},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {45-51},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Simulation and Dynamic Management of Highway Traffic Flow: Application to Ramp Metering
Author Name :: Najia Bouha || Zouhir Mahani
Page Number :: 52-60
:: 10.9790/1813-0704015260   

The abstract: The works presented in this paper exploits the advantages of simulation tools for the regulation of road traffic. The illustration is made through the implementation of a ramp metering using the ALINEA (Asservissement Linéaire d'entrée Autoroutière) strategy to ensure a maximum throughput. The studied site includes a section of a freeway with real data. Simulation results show a clear improvement in traffic conditions using the ALINEA regulation strategy.

Keywords - Traffic Regulation, Simulation, ALINEA, Ramp, Congestions.

author = {Najia Bouha || Zouhir Mahani},
title = {Simulation and Dynamic Management of Highway Traffic Flow: Application to Ramp Metering},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {52-60},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Experimental Investigation of Turbulence Anisotropy in Free Shear Flows
Author Name :: J. P. Panda || H. V. Warrior
Page Number :: 61-71
:: 10.9790/1813-0704016171   

A passive grid is used in a water tank to produce homogeneous turbulence and decaying grid generated turbulence is studied. An acoustic doppler velocimeter has been used to measure three instantaneous velocity components. The variation of turbulent kinetic energy and Reynolds stress are studied at different locations downstream of the grid. Special attention has been focused on presenting the evolution of Reynolds stress, dissipation and length scale anisotropy tensors at two different grid Reynolds numbers. It is shown that the rate of return to isotropy is different for the three principal directions. The experimental results are used for the assessment of two pressure strain correlations in the studies of the "return to isotropy" of decaying grid generated turbulence.

Keywords - Grid generated Turbulence, Return to Isotropy, Reynolds Stress, Length Scale.

author = {J. P. Panda || H. V. Warrior},
title = {Experimental Investigation of Turbulence Anisotropy in Free Shear Flows},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {61-71},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Geotechnical Investigation of Probable Aquifers Using Electrical Resistivity Method inSabonkauraBauchi(Northern Nigeria)
Author Name :: Abubakarmagaji || Bitrus Kwaji || Ibrahim Aliyu Adamu || Mohammed Rabiu
Page Number :: 72-78
:: 10.9790/1813-0704017278   

Electrical Resistivity prospecting method was used in determining groundwater potential zone at SabonKaura village, Bauchi, Bauchi State using the vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique at points selected at convenience place away from contaminant sources), a total of eighteen (18) VES data using Schlumberger array with 300c model of ABEM Terrameter SAS was used in the survey. The VES data acquired were initially presented as field curves on a bi-log scale, and later refined by ID offix iterative inversion software program. The interpreted curves show H, and HA curves. The interpreted models indicate various layers that vary between three and four interpreted as topsoil, decomposed/weathered zone, slightly to a highly weathered basement and fresh basement. The first two lithologic units (topsoil and 1st aquifers) are overburden in origin and the 2nd aquifers are structurally controlled based on their resistivity value ranges and probable depth.

Keywords - Resistivity, Aquifer, Shlumberger, Array, Groundwater.

author = {Abubakarmagaji || Bitrus Kwaji || Ibrahim Aliyu Adamu || Mohammed Rabiu},
title = {Geotechnical Investigation of Probable Aquifers Using Electrical Resistivity Method inSabonkauraBauchi(Northern Nigeria)},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {72-78},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Effect of Contact between Fine Wire Heater and Water-Containing Porous Body on Rapid Generation of Superheated Steam
Author Name :: Shoji Mori || Michitokishi || Mikako Tanaka
Page Number :: 79-83
:: 10.9790/1813-0704017983   

We proposed a simple method for the rapid generation of superheated steam using a water-containing porous material. The start-up and cut-off responses are of the second order, and the maximum energy utilization efficiency for input power is very high. Although the contact state between the heater and the water-containing porous body has a great influence on the performance of the rapid superheated steam generator, it has not been clarified yet.Therefore, the effect has investigated experimentally changing the gap between fine wire heater and water-containing porous bodyin the present paper.As a result, it is found that the response of superheated steam generation is less influenced by the gap between the heater and the water-containing porous body, and the larger the gap, the higher the steam temperature produced.

Keywords - Porous wick, Rapid vaporization,Steam generator, Super-heated steam.

author = {Shoji Mori || Michitokishi || Mikako Tanaka},
title = {Effect of Contact between Fine Wire Heater and Water-Containing Porous Body on Rapid Generation of Superheated Steam},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {79-83},
month = {April}

Version - 2 [April - 2018]

Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Robust Outliers Detection Method For Ethereum Exchange Rate: A Statistical Approach Using High Frequency Datas
Author Name :: Nashirah Abu Bakar || Sofian Rosbi
Page Number :: 01-08
:: 10.9790/1813-0704020108   

Ethereum is one of the cryptocurrency that attracts attention from investors in year of 2017. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the data distribution of Ethereum exchange rate to validate the dynamic behavior of price movement. The finding of this study will help investors to understand the volatility of Ethereum exchange rate data. This study implemented Shapiro-Wilk normality test including graphical test to detect the outliers in the exchange rate data. The p-value of Shapiro-Wilk test is 0.0000. This value indicates the distribution of first difference for Ethereum exchange rate is not a normal distribution data. Then, this finding is validated using histogram and normal percentiles plot......

Keywords - Cryptocurrency, Ethereum, Normality, Box-Whisker plot, Volatility.

author = {Nashirah Abu Bakar || Sofian Rosbi},
title = {Robust Outliers Detection Method For Ethereum Exchange Rate: A Statistical Approach Using High Frequency Data},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {01-08},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Invitro Antimicrobial Activity of Madhuca Longifolia Leaf Extract
Author Name :: Subanithi Purnima.M || Dr. Swarnalatha
Page Number :: 09-12
:: 10.9790/1813-0704020912   

The present study was designed to investigate antimicrobial activity of species that is originated from India. The plant Madhuca longifolia has various pharmaceitical and medicinal activities. The plant Madhuca longifolia is treated against two different bacteria namely Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The leaf of Madhuca longifolia is analysed for its proficiency of antimicrobial activity. The SEM analysis was accomplished for the leaf extract of the species M.Longifolia against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The SEM results were estimated for its best inhibitory activity.

Keywords - Indian species, Invitro antibacterial activity, Medicinal plant, SEM analysis.

author = {Subanithi Purnima.M || Dr. Swarnalatha},
title = {Invitro Antimicrobial Activity of Madhuca Longifolia Leaf Extract},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {09-12},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: The Antecedents, Consequences, And Mediating Role Of Job Satisfaction: Perception And Relevance Among Civil Servants In Regional Government's Working Unit Selayar Islands District
Author Name :: Tajuddin Makka || H. Murdifin Haming || Baharuddin Semmaila || Ramlawati
Page Number :: 13-23
:: 10.9790/1813-0704021323   

This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of competence, work culture and organizational commitment on job satisfaction and civil servants performance in regional government's working unit Selayar Islands District. The study was conducted on 4.321 civil servants. A total of 366 civil servants were used as samples. Results confirm the hypothesized model indicating that the competence has significant effect on job satisfaction and not significant on civil servants performance........

Keywords - Competence, culture, commitment, job satisfaction, employee performance.

author = {Tajuddin Makka || H. Murdifin Haming || Baharuddin Semmaila || Ramlawati},
title = {The Antecedents, Consequences, And Mediating Role Of Job Satisfaction: Perception And Relevance Among Civil Servants In Regional Government's Working Unit Selayar Islands District},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {13-23},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Research On Toilet Re-Design Based On Ergonomics
Author Name :: Yu, Sinan
Page Number :: 24-30
:: 10.9790/1813-0704022430   

With the application of ergonomic principles, this essay analyzes the structural problems in the existing toilets that cause irrational phenomena in postures and methods of use. To follow the assessment principles of products, which are "convenience", "comfort", "reliability", "value", "safety", "efficiency" and so on, the existing toilets are re-designed and a new design scheme is proposed. It is exhibited that in toilet design, the shape of the product will match with ergonomics perfectly only when the consideration is based on ergonomics. This means using psychology as the center, physiology as the radius, and the method that could build up a harmonious man-object (product) relationship, to maximize human potentials, to use human function comprehensively and evenly, to protect human health, and therefore to improve efficiency........

Keywords - Ergonomic Principles, Re-design, Universal Principle, Humanized Design.

author = {Yu, Sinan},
title = {Research On Toilet Re-Design Based On Ergonomics},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {24-30},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Effects of Residuals of Autocorrelation Function and Partial Autocorrelation Function in Long-Range Dependence Market Analysis
Author Name :: ANNORZIE, M.N. || SHITTU, 0.I. || IWU, H.C. || Yaya, 0.S.
Page Number :: 31-40
:: 10.9790/1813-0704023140   

The univariate data of the Nigerian All-Share Index (NASI) obtained from the Nigerian Stock Market (NSM), covering the period of 18 years, was studied and analysed through time series. The NASI considered exhibited long-range dependence with The result of the analysis in a long-range dependence showed that the autocorrelation function (ACF), partial autocorrelation function (PACF) and their respective residuals agreed with their theoretical concepts. The multiplicative trend type (MULT) of the seasonal decomposition of NASI.......

Keywords - Autocorrelation Function, Nigerian All-Share Index, Partial Autocorrelation Function, Residual Function, Seasonal Multiplicative Trend.

author = {ANNORZIE, M.N. || SHITTU, 0.I. || IWU, H.C. || Yaya, 0.S.},
title = {Effects of Residuals of Autocorrelation Function and Partial Autocorrelation Function in Long-Range Dependence Market Analysis},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {31-40},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Spectral Analysis for the Diagnosis of Defects on Industrial Machines
Author Name :: B. Trentadue
Page Number :: 41-48
:: 10.9790/1813-0704024148   

The aim of this study is to carry out a new approach for a better organization and prevision in terms of predictive maintenance for production machines in large factories. For this purpose, a large number of measurements have been done on industrial machines such as reduction gearings, engines and pumps. We placed particular attention on vibration measurements located in strategic points in order to obtain a precise and accurate spectral analysis [1].

Keywords - .........

author = {B. Trentadue},
title = {Spectral Analysis for the Diagnosis of Defects on Industrial Machines},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {41-48},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Strength Characteristics Determination of Palm Kernel Shell Ash (PKSA) In Cement – Modified Lateritic Soil
Author Name :: Olutaiwo A.O. || Adetunji, Johnson O
Page Number :: 49-54
:: 10.9790/1813-0704024954   

This write-up describes an experimental study on the effects of Palm Kernel Shell Ash (PKSA) on CBR and UCS parameters of cement-modified soil samples. PKSA was used to stabilize plain and also cement-modified soil samples at 2%,4%,6%,8%,10% and 12% by dry weight of the soil. The results showed significant increase in the strength parameters of the soil modified with PKSA and cement, by 51%, 391%, and 32% for MDD, CBR and UCS respectively. Regression Analysis was carried out to establish the relationship between the soaked CBR and PKSA at 3% cement addition. Comparative Cost Analysis was carried out in order to investigate the economic advantage of the experimental exercise.

Keywords - California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Palm Kernel Shell, Soil Improvement, Strength Characteristics, Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS).

author = {Olutaiwo A.O. || Adetunji, Johnson O},
title = {Strength Characteristics Determination of Palm Kernel Shell Ash (PKSA) In Cement – Modified Lateritic Soil},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {49-54},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Soft Computing Techniques For Solving Economic Load Dispatch With Generator Constraints
Author Name :: Eko Sarwono || Hardiansyah
Page Number :: 55-61
:: 10.9790/1813-0704025561   

This paper proposes a novel and efficient hybrid algorithm based on combining particle swarm optimization (PSO) and gravitational search algorithm (GSA) techniques, called PSO-GSA. The core of this algorithm is to combine the ability of social thinking in PSO with the local search capability of GSA. Many practical constraints of generators, such as power loss, ramp rate limits, and prohibited operating zones are considered. The new algorithm is implemented to the economic load dispatch (ELD) problem so as to minimize the total generation cost when considering the equality and inequality constraints. In order to validate of the proposed algorithm, it is applied to two cases with six and fifteen generators, respectively. The results show that the proposed algorithms indeed produce more optimal solution in both cases when compared results of other optimization algorithms reported in literature.

Keywords - Particle swarm optimization, gravitational search algorithm, economic load dispatch, ramp rate limits, prohibited operating zones.

author = {Eko Sarwono || Hardiansyah},
title = {Soft Computing Techniques For Solving Economic Load Dispatch With Generator Constraints},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {55-61},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Varied Classifier User Technology Acceptance Model (Vcutam)
Author Name :: Ejiofor C. I || Mgbeafuluike .I .J
Page Number :: 62-65
:: 10.9790/1813-0704026265   

This research paper has shown the usefulness and versatility of Varied Classifier User Technology Acceptance Model (VCUTAM), a novel model design in extending previous user acceptance model through the inclusion of classifier as a means of determining varied user acceptance level. The model encompasses four parameter variables: time usage, swot rate, social publicity and environmental enhancer with three associated labels: age, experience and qualification respectively. The model will enhance organizational resources both material and manpower.

Keywords - Model, User, Acceptance, Technologies, User-Acceptance.

author = {Ejiofor C. I || Mgbeafuluike .I .J},
title = {Varied Classifier User Technology Acceptance Model (Vcutam)},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {62-65},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Simulation of Fluid Flow in Subsurface Porous Media:
An Introductory Overview
Author Name :: Oyetunde Adeoye Adeaga || Adeyinka Ayoade Adegbola || Lateef Owolabi Mudashiru
Page Number :: 66-72
:: 10.9790/1813-0704026672   

Materials and systems of applications in engineering science and technology are majorly porous media. Investigating the fundamentals of fluid flow during serviceability of such media are analytical and quit involving, hence numerical simulations. Overview of common subsurface porous media was carried out with a view to presenting some common numerical schemes already in use for the analysis and investigation of fluid flow in them. Common shortcomings of those numerical schemes were also exposed and few recommendations were also made to further enhance better computation analysis and the investigation of subsurface porous media.

Keywords - Porous, subsurface, numerical, simulation.

author = {Oyetunde Adeoye Adeaga || Adeyinka Ayoade Adegbola || Lateef Owolabi Mudashiru},
title = {Simulation of Fluid Flow in Subsurface Porous Media: An Introductory Overview},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {62-65},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Geomorphological Approach In Active Tectonics For The Cartography Of Landslide And Rock Fall Hazards In The North- West Part Of The Region Of Yaounde-Cameroon
Author Name :: Roger BISSAYA || Richard Tanwi GHOGOMU || Serge Martial AKISSEBINI || Bernard NJOM || Eric Lamine GOMSSI || Nguo Sylvestre KANOUO
Page Number :: 73-98
:: 10.9790/1813-0704027398   

The North-West sector of Yaounde, located within the mobile belt of Central Africa reveals imprints of ductile tectonics dating from 600 ± 20 Ma; and those of fracturing tectonics dating from 600 ± 20 Ma to present. The active tectonics along the Sanaga fault is very remarkable. The distribution of marks of landslides androcks fallsalong the spatial configurations and reconfigurations of great structural accidents reveals a tectonic guide. In using a geomorphological approach in this active tectonic context, by the superposition of petro-structural elements to geomorphological discontinuities, it was the establishment of a map of the considered field which is more close to the field reality. It reveals a "very high"hazardin three major lineation oriented towards SSWNNE and E-W; and a "high to average"hazard in two intermediate lineation oriented WSW-ENE..

Keywords -landslide, rock fall, structural, structural elements, geomorphological approach, Yaounde region..

author = {Roger BISSAYA || Richard Tanwi GHOGOMU || Serge Martial AKISSEBINI || Bernard NJOM || Eric Lamine GOMSSI || Nguo Sylvestre KANOUO},
title = {Geomorphological Approach In Active Tectonics For The Cartography Of Landslide And Rock Fall Hazards In The North- West Part Of The Region Of Yaounde-Cameroon},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {62-65},
month = {April}

Version - 3 [April - 2018]

Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Using VSM to Improve Manufacturing Efficiency in Developing Countries: A Case Study of a Beverage Manufacturing Company in the Caribbean
Author Name :: Terrence Lalla || Nadine Sangster || Shalana Jahoor
Page Number :: 01-10
:: 10.9790/1813-0704030110   

Lean manufacturing concepts have been successfully applied in many manufacturing organizations to reduce the lead time, decrease cost and improve quality. One lean tool utilized to eliminate non-value adding activities is value stream mapping (VSM). A beverage manufacturing company, operating in a Caribbean island was looked at as they were faced with the challenge of producing higher quality, low cost products to their customers within a shorter timeframe in order to enhance their competitive advantage. This work thus looked towards determining how VSM could be effectively used within the company to improve performance and reduce lead time. Process observations, time studies and informal employees' interviews were utilized to obtain data for the map generation. The current state was developed and analyzed using appropriate software. From the findings obtained, seven (7) categories of waste were identified. Improvement initiatives, which were supported by an extensive literature.....

Keywords -Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), seven wastes, manufacturing.

author = {Terrence Lalla || Nadine Sangster || Shalana Jahoor},
title = {Using VSM to Improve Manufacturing Efficiency in Developing Countries: A Case Study of a Beverage Manufacturing Company in the Caribbean},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {01-10},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Optimum Power Flow Analysis For Integration Of Renewable Energy Sources Into Kerala Grid
Author Name :: Princy U || Sasidharan Sreedharan || Jaseena S
Page Number :: 11-17
:: 10.9790/1813-0704031117   

This paper emphasizes on optimal power flow analysis in order to optimize the overall resource utilization while minimizing operating fuel cost, overall active power loss, and adverse environmental effects to satisfy customer's end use requirements. The conventional energy consumption is growing at an alarming rate which leads to many adverse phenomena such as global energy crisis, carbon dioxide emission and global surface mean temperature rise. The main objective is to identify the optimal system scheduling of hydropower plants, thermal plants and wind farms with minimum operating cost and loss with the incorporation of the wind farm in the system. Four different cases such as with and without thermal, with and without wind farm are considered. The most cost effective load scheduling is obtained by renewable integration. The proposed methodology is tested on Kerala grid 220KV– 26 bus system with maximum wind penetration and the results are validated by using simple IEEE 6 bus test system results..........

Keywords - Optimal Power Flow, Continuous Power Flow, Load Forecasting, Saddle-Node Bifurcation Point, Optimal System Scheduling, maximum loadability

author = {Princy U || Sasidharan Sreedharan || Jaseena S},
title = {Optimum Power Flow Analysis For Integration Of Renewable Energy Sources Into Kerala Grid},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {11-17},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Effects of Water Pollution on Lower Usuma Reservoir and Ushafa Downstream Community, Bwari Area, Abuja, Nigeria
Author Name :: Hong, A. H || Burmamu, B.R || Umaru, A.B || Noah, U
Page Number :: 18-23
:: 10.9790/1813-0704031823   

The inadequate and improper disposal of wastes generated from domestic, agricultural and industrial processes have resulted in the pollution/contamination of our surface and ground water sources from physical, chemical and microbial pollutants.The impact of water pollution of Usuma reservoirand Ushafa downstream user community was studied using standard method to ascertain the level of microbial pollution/contamination of the reservoir water at upstream, middle and downstream and borehole water samples was studied. The fecal coliform, total coliform and E – coli levels in terms of most probable number per 100cm3studiedwere all found to be > 16 in the reservoir water. While all water samples from boreholes were found below WHO Standard of < 2.2 MPN/100cm3 . The incidences of waterborne/water related diseases like malaria, diarrhea, typhoid fever and skin diseases recorded from ushafa.......

Keywords - Pollution, Reservoir, boreholes, feacal coliform, waterborne/water related diseases

author = {Hong, A. H || Burmamu, B.R || Umaru, A.B || Noah, U},
title = {Effects of Water Pollution on Lower Usuma Reservoir and Ushafa Downstream Community, Bwari Area, Abuja, Nigeria},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {18-23},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Development of Rainfall Erosivity (R) In Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) For An Equatorial Region Of Sarawak.
Author Name :: Johari, A.H. || Law, P.L. || Taib, S.N.L. || Darrien, M.Y.S. || Yong, L.K.
Page Number :: 24-35
:: 10.9790/1813-0704032435   

The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was developed for the Department of Agriculture of USA for predicting top soil erosion rate and sediment yield from agricultural areas or plantations located in temperate region, with extremely low annual rainfall (1,000 mm/year), as compared to equatorial region of more than 4,000 mm/year such as Sarawak whereby a great portion (>25%) of land area covered with peat. The primary objective of this research was to develop the factors of Rainfall Erosivity (R) for an equatorial region of Sarawak. In order to achieve the objective of this study, soil samples were collected from Sri Aman, Sarawak. The soil samples were tested for physical properties. A rainfall simulator was constructed to conduct six simulated rainfalls on three types of hill slopes; a cone, a pyramid, and a plateau. Photos of raindrops were taken with a high speed camera during simulated rainfalls to determine raindrop sizesand consequently to determine kinetic energy of the raindrops. Runoff samples were taken to determine sediment concentration. From the experimental results, it was observed.......

Keywords - .......

author = {Johari, A.H. || Law, P.L. || Taib, S.N.L. || Darrien, M.Y.S. || Yong, L.K.}
title = {Development of Rainfall Erosivity (R) In Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) For An Equatorial Region Of Sarawak},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {24-35},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Analysis for Break- Size Effects on SBLOCA Scenario in a 4- Loop PWR Using RELAP5/MOD 3.3
Author Name :: S. Helmy || A. Khedr || F. D'auria
Page Number :: 36-43
:: 10.9790/1813-0704033643   

Small-Break loss of coolant issue was highlighted in 1979, after the Three Mile Island accident. The reactor system response to a small break is characterized by a small rate of coolant discharges and slow pressure variations with time. The depressurization may be slow enough to delay the accumulator's intervention for some time. The accident scenarios may change drastically due to many factors; the break size is one of these factors. In this study, RELAP5/MOD 3.3 thermal hydraulic computer code is used to simulate the effect of break size on the consequences of SBLOCA in a 4-loop PWR Westinghouse design. Plant nodalization consisting of two loops, the first one represents the broken loop and the second one represents the other three intact loops, is considered. All the plant main components in addition to the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) trains are modeled. To investigate the worst break size in the cold leg, a spectrum of five different break sizes with diameters 1 inch, 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch and 8 inch are considered......

Keywords - Small-break loss-of-coolant accident breaks size Thermal hydraulic phenomena Safety injection 4-loop PWR Core uncovery

author = {S. Helmy || A. Khedr || F. D'auria},
title = {Analysis for Break- Size Effects on SBLOCA Scenario in a 4- Loop PWR Using RELAP5/MOD 3.3},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {36-43},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Buildup Factors ofGamma RayCalculation forpolymeric IlmeniteandMagnetite Composites
Author Name :: M. A. El-Sarraf || A. El-Sayed Abdo || Amal A. El-Sawy
Page Number :: 44-52
:: 10.9790/1813-0704034452   

In this study, three composites were investigated in terms of different photon interaction parameters in the energy region of 0.015 – 15.0 MeV. The polymeric composites Epoxy/Ilmenite (EP/Ilm), Polyester/Ilmenite (CUP/Ilm) and Polyester/Magnetite (CUP/Mag) were used for various shielding purposes. The first, as well, was investigated as a restoration/injection mortar for cracks developing in biological shields. The computed parameters of photon interaction; equivalent atomic number Zeq, energy absorption buildup factor (EABF) and exposure buildup factor (EBF) were studied as afunction of incident photon energy, materials elemental composition and penetration depths up to 40 mean free paths (mfp). Both buildup factors were found to be small at low and high photon energy meanwhile their values are comparatively high in the intermediate energy region.In addition, Kerma relative to air for photon energy from 1 KeV to 20 MeV were computed and found to be dependent upon equivalent atomic numbers.........

Keywords - radiation shielding, composite, buildup factors, mean free path,kerma..

author = {M. A. El-Sarraf || A. El-Sayed Abdo || Amal A. El-Sawy},
title = {Buildup Factors ofGamma RayCalculation forpolymeric IlmeniteandMagnetite Composites},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {44-52},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: Adynamic Imbalanced Load Modulation Approach To Design And Implement An Energyefficient RF Power Amplifier
Author Name :: B.A. Mohammed || I. M. Danjuma || r. Abd-Alhameed || N.A. Abduljabbar || A.S. Hussaini || I.T.E. Elfergani
Page Number :: 53-58
:: 10.9790/1813-0704035358   

In this paper, a dynamic load modulation approach using an attenuator has been presented to design a concept of energy efficient class-AB RF power amplifier for modern wireless communication systems. The output power back off technique is to amplify the signal at the linear region to keep away from unwanted spurious. However, the use of dynamic load modulation approach causes excessive increase in PAE, drain efficiency and Pout.To improve the efficiency at wide range of output power and possess similar margin for signal with high crest factor, the dynamic load modulation technique with an offset line are introduced to operate over power amplifier load modulation technique. The dynamic load modulation technique is compared with balanced power amplifier technique to find a best candidate. A simulation results achieved from the dynamic load modulation power amplifier with 79% power added efficiency at 35dBm output power. The result has shown reasonable improve from dynamic load modulation over the balance power amplifier design..

Keywords -Power Amplifiers, Class-AB, Class-C, Efficiency, Linearity

author = {B.A. Mohammed || I. M. Danjuma || r. Abd-Alhameed || N.A. Abduljabbar || A.S. Hussaini || I.T.E. Elfergani},
title = {Adynamic Imbalanced Load Modulation Approach To Design And Implement An Energyefficient RF Power Amplifier},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {53-58},
month = {April}
Paper Id ::
Paper Title :: A Study on the Equations Used For Fluid Flow through Porous Media
Author Name :: Dr. Shivkumar
Page Number :: 59-62
:: 10.9790/1813-0704035962   

Fluid flow through porous media is a fundamental phenomenon encountered in various fields, including petroleum engineering, hydrology, environmental science, and chemical engineering. Porous media encompass materials like soil, rocks, and packed beds, which contain interconnected voids or pores that allow fluids to permeate. Understanding the governing equations of fluid flow through these media is crucial for predicting and controlling various processes, such as groundwater movement, oil and gas production, and filtration........

Keywords -Equations, fluid, flow, porous, media

author = {Dr. Shivkumar},
title = {A Study on the Equations Used For Fluid Flow through Porous Media},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2018},
volume = {07},
number = {04},
pages = {59-62},
month = {April}