The International Journal of Engineering & Science Paper Publishing Models.

Intellectual Excellence
The result is a publishing process which is without prejudice to institutional affiliation, stage in career, national origins or disciplinary perspective. If the paper is excellent, and has been systematically and independently assessed as such, it will be published. This is why The International Journal of Engineering & Science have so much exciting new material, much of it originating from well known research institutions but also a considerable amount of brilliantly insightful and innovative material from academics in lesser known institutions in the developing world, emerging researchers, people working in hard-to-classify interdisciplinary spaces. In recognition of the highest levels of excellence, every year an international prize will awarded for the top-ranked paper for that particular year.
The International Journal of Engineering & Science is developing a low-cost non-commercial approach to academic publishing. We believe there are limitations in both the high cost commercial publishing and apparently no-cost open access publishing models. This is why we are seeking to find a practical middle way between the idealism of open access and the inefficiencies and greed of which the big journal publishers are increasingly accused. The International Journal of Engineering & Science has developed a highly cost effective and
Open Review
The International Journal of Engineering & Science approach to peer review is open and inclusive, at the same time it is based on the most rigorous and merit-based 'blind' peer review processes. Our referee processes are criterion-referenced and referees selected on the basis of subject matter and disciplinary expertise. Ranking is based on clearly articulated criteria. The result is a refereeing process that is scrupulously fair in its assessments at the same time as offering a carefully structured and constructive contribution to the shape of the published paper.
The Model
The International Journal of Engineering & Science encourages the widest range of submissions and foster intellectual excellence.
Creative Commons License
The archived manuscripts are provisioned and published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. The digital versions of the Intellectual Properties are freely available for scientific and academic pursuits. The research community is free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided they place a credit line citing the original authors mentioned in the journal.
disruptive publishing breakthrough wherein the author and the publishers shares the publishing and indexing efforts. Further, the cost needed to maintain the archives is achieved from the minimal publishing fees from the authors and our external funding.
The International Journal of Engineering & Science articles are highly accessible on the web. They are not hidden behind subscription walls.
The digital library of The International Journal of Engineering & Science is evolving with the new requirements of the scientific community. Every article has its own page and our technology teams are working on ranking systems whereby the readers can rank any article according to merit.