Series - 1 [October - 2020]

Paper Title :: Distribution Characteristics of Dynamic Pressure In Nozzle Flow Meter
Author Name :: Sen-Da Qi || Jiang-Bo Tong || Feng Wang || Gong He || Shu-Yuan Wang || Guo-Qing Zhao || Zi-Yan Hu || Cheng-Xi Chai
Page Number :: 01-09
:: 10.9790/1813-0910010109   

In order to research the internal dynamic pressure distribution characteristics of nozzle flowmeter, FLUENT software is used to simulate the nozzle flowmeter under different working conditions. Therefore, the internal dynamic pressure data of nozzle flowmeter under different flow rates are obtained. The results show that the dynamic pressure distribution is affected by the flow rate, and the nozzle flowmeter shows different degrees of motion on different fluid surface lines, so the dynamic pressure characteristics of each fluid surface line will still be different. This study has a certain significance for understanding the dynamic pressure distribution in the nozzle flowmeter and improving the measurement performance of the nozzle flowmeter.

Keywords - Nozzle flowmeter, numerical calculation, flow rate, dynamic pressure distribution.

author = {Sen-Da Qi || Jiang-Bo Tong || Feng Wang || Gong He || Shu-Yuan Wang || Guo-Qing Zhao || Zi-Yan Hu || Cheng-Xi Chai},
title = {Distribution Characteristics of Dynamic Pressure In Nozzle Flow Meter},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {01-09},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Economic Dispatch of Wind-Thermal Power System using Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Author Name :: M. Iqbal Arsyad || Fitriah || Hardiansyah
Page Number :: 10-16
:: 10.9790/1813-0910011016   

This paper presents a modified cuckoo search algorithm (MCSA) which is improved version of cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) for solving the economic dispatch (ED) problem considering wind power. Many practical constraints of generators such as ramp rate limits, prohibited operating zones and transmission loss are considered. The modification involves the addition of information exchange between the top eggs, or the best solutions. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been tested on 6 generator system with and without wind power. The results show that performance of the proposed approach reveal the efficiently and robustness when compared results of other optimization algorithms reported in literature.

Keywords - Modified cuckoo search algorithm, economic dispatch, wind power, ramp rate limits, prohibited operating zones.

author = {M. Iqbal Arsyad || Fitriah || Hardiansyah},
title = {Economic Dispatch of Wind-Thermal Power System using Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {10-16},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Study of Physico-chemical characteristics like PH values and electrical conductivities of the river Ganga D/S at different places in Bihar (India) where their tributaries meet with it or nearby places
Author Name :: Santosh Kumar
Page Number :: 17-20
:: 10.9790/1813-0910011720   

Main tributaries of Ganga are Gandak, Budhi Gandak, Ghaghra, Bagmati, Kamla-Balan, Koshi, Mahananda, Karmnasa, Son & Punpun. These tributaries contribute to the flow of Ganga in Bihar stretch and play significant role in maintaining wholesomeness (Nirmal Dhara and Aviral Dhara) of the holy river. In Bihar the covered area by the river Ganga is Down Vanarasi to Rajmahal which lies in the S-IV A segment. The Ganga water in Bihar is not suitable for drinking purposes and outdoor bathing without treatment. The PH and electrical conductivity have been observed and analysed where their tributaries meet with it or nearby places. With decrease in PH the electrical conductivity decreases.

Keywords - Electrical conductivity, PH,salinity, physico-chemical charecteristics, D/S (Down stream), TR (Tributary river),Cusec, Flow rate.

author = {Santosh Kumar},
title = {Study of Physico-chemical characteristics like PH values and electrical conductivities of the river Ganga D/S at different places in Bihar (India) where their tributaries meet with it or nearby places},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {17-20},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Prospects for the Use of Moss-Fuel for Nuclear Reactors
Author Name :: O.I.Pantak
Page Number :: 21-28
:: 10.9790/1813-0910012128   

Operating experience and scientific and technical studies determine the limitations of production and implementation of MOX fuel for WWER/PWR/BWR reactors for the following main reasons: — the high activity of the non-irradiated MOX fuel and the related need for additional safety research when using existing equipment for handling fresh fuel; — due to the high specific activity of plutonium-239, which is several orders of magnitude higher than the activity of uranium-235, it will be necessary to reduce the number of leaky fuel rods by gas leakage and direct contact in order to maintain acceptable reactor water activity at the NPP operation. fuel with water; — loading even a portion of the MOX fuel core reduces the efficiency of the controls (due to high absorption in plutonium, which shifts the absorption balance in the reactor in its favor); — the fraction of delayed neutrons in plutonium is three times lower than in uranium (in plutonium βef ≈ 0,2%), this changes the properties of the reactor in power maneuvers to the more dangerous side, etc......

Keywords - MOX-fuel, wave nuclear reactor.

author = {O.I.Pantak},
title = {Prospects for the Use of Moss-Fuel for Nuclear Reactors},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {21-28},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Caracterisation Des Sediments Superficiels De La Lagune Potou (Sud-Est De La Cote D'ivoire) En Periode D'etiage
Author Name :: DIANGONE Eric || YAO Kouadio Cyrille || IRIE Bi Trazié Jean-Gael || Monde Sylvain || Digbehi Zeli Bruno
Page Number :: 29-38
:: 10.9790/1813-0910012938   

Ce travail a pour but de définir les caractéristiques sédimentologiques de la lagune Potou, située au Sud-Est de la Côte d'Ivoire, en exploitant particulièrement les sédiments de surface (ou superficiels) lors de l'étiage. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons ainsi procéder à des analyses granulométriques(calcul des paramètres granulométriques, détermination des faciès granulométriques, du mode de transport des sables et des environnements de dépôts des sédiments) ; à des études minéralogiques et morphoscopiques. Ces différentes investigations ont permis de montrer que la zone d'étude est constituée d'une part sur ses berges, de sables brun jaunâtre (10Y 8/2) et noir grisâtre (N2) ; d'autre part de vases noire olive (5Y 2/1) à gris olive (5Y 4/1). occupant les fonds lagunaires. Les analyses granulométriques révèlent une très faible proportion.........

Keywords - sédiments superficiels, analyses granulométriques, minéraux, morphoscopie, sables et vases, lagune Potou, étiage, Côte d'Ivoire.

author = {DIANGONE Eric || YAO Kouadio Cyrille || IRIE Bi Trazié Jean-Gael || Monde Sylvain || Digbehi Zeli Bruno},
title = {Caracterisation Des Sediments Superficiels De La Lagune Potou (Sud-Est De La Cote D'ivoire) En Periode D'etiage},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {29-38},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Ecologie et dynamique des écosystèmes : mise en application des critères de la Liste Rouge des Écosystèmes de l'UICN pour l'évaluation de la mangrove de la Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Saloum (RBDS), Sénégal
Author Name :: El Hadji SOW || Bineta FAYE || Taibou Ba
Page Number :: 39-51
:: 10.9790/1813-0910013951   

L'écosystème mangrove constitue l'une des principales sources de revenus des populations de la RBDS. Cet écosystème héberge de multiples intérêts sur le plan écologiques et socio-économique. Cependant, il ne cesse de subir une dégradation continue, affectant ses potentialités. C'est dans ce cadre qu'il s'avère important d'évaluer la mangrove de la RBDSpourconnaitre son statut suivant les critères d'évaluation de l'UICN pour la liste rouge des écosystèmes.Ce qui permettra de comprendre les risques d'effondrement qu'il encoure et aider à orienter les stratégies de gestion et d'utilisation durable. La méthodologie adoptée repose sur les 05 critères d'évaluation de l'UICN : la réduction de la distribution spatiale, l'étendue géographique restreinte, la dégradation d'un élément.......

Keywords - mangrove, évaluation, classification, delta du Saloum, en danger.

author = {El Hadji SOW || Bineta FAYE || Taibou Ba},
title = {Ecologie et dynamique des écosystèmes : mise en application des critères de la Liste Rouge des Écosystèmes de l'UICN pour l'évaluation de la mangrove de la Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Saloum (RBDS), Sénégal},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {39-51},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Data mining analysis for text document protection: A Survey
Author Name :: Ch.Venkateswara Rao || Dr. S. indraneel || Dr. D. Nataraja Sivan
Page Number :: 52-56
:: 10.9790/1813-0910015256   

Operating experience and scientific and technical studies determine the limitations of production and implementation of MOX fuel for WWER/PWR/BWR reactors for the following main reasons: — the high activity of the non-irradiated MOX fuel and the related need for additional safety research when using existing equipment for handling fresh fuel; — due to the high specific activity of plutonium-239, which is several orders of magnitude higher than the activity of uranium-235, it will be necessary to reduce the number of leaky fuel rods by gas leakage and direct contact in order to maintain acceptable reactor water activity at the NPP operation. fuel with water; — loading even a portion of the MOX fuel core reduces the efficiency of the controls (due to high absorption in plutonium, which shifts the absorption balance in the reactor in its favor); — the fraction of delayed neutrons in plutonium is three times lower than in uranium (in plutonium βef ≈ 0,2%), this changes the properties of the reactor in power maneuvers to the more dangerous side, etc......

Keywords - MOX-fuel, wave nuclear reactor.

author = {Ch.Venkateswara Rao || Dr. S. indraneel || Dr. D. Nataraja Sivan},
title = {Data mining analysis for text document protection: A Survey},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {52-56},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Evaluation De L'ecosysteme Forestier De La Commune De Djilor (Fatick, Senegal) Selon La Methode De Classification De L'uicn
Author Name :: Bineta Faye || El Hadji Sow || Abdou Aziz Faye
Page Number :: 57-69
:: 10.9790/1813-0910015769   

Ce travail a pour but de définir les caractéristiques sédimentologiques de la lagune Potou, située au Sud-Est de la Côte d'Ivoire, en exploitant particulièrement les sédiments de surface (ou superficiels) lors de l'étiage. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons ainsi procéder à des analyses granulométriques(calcul des paramètres granulométriques, détermination des faciès granulométriques, du mode de transport des sables et des environnements de dépôts des sédiments) ; à des études minéralogiques et morphoscopiques. Ces différentes investigations ont permis de montrer que la zone d'étude est constituée d'une part sur ses berges, de sables brun jaunâtre (10Y 8/2) et noir grisâtre (N2) ; d'autre part de vases noire olive (5Y 2/1) à gris olive (5Y 4/1). occupant les fonds lagunaires. Les analyses granulométriques révèlent une très faible proportion.........

Keywords - sédiments superficiels, analyses granulométriques, minéraux, morphoscopie, sables et vases, lagune Potou, étiage, Côte d'Ivoire.

author = {Bineta Faye || El Hadji Sow || Abdou Aziz Faye},
title = {Evaluation De L'ecosysteme Forestier De La Commune De Djilor (Fatick, Senegal) Selon La Methode De Classification De L'uicn},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {57-69},
month = {October}
Paper Title :: Raman and XPS characterized cement stabilized lead contaminated soils and solutions
Author Name :: Mabrouk Hassan Arhoma || Salem Omar Saeid Elfakhri
Page Number :: 70-78
:: 10.9790/1813-0910017078   

Artificially lead (Pb) contaminated soil was stabilised with ordinary Portland cement(OPC) and the leaching behaviour of the element was investigated. A 5 grams sample of contaminated soil was thoroughly mixed with 0.1g of OPC, and The mixture containing 50 ml of leaching solution was shaken for 2hours, and then the solution was filtered using a Whatman Grade 540 . filter paper. The extent of lead leaching, with and without the addition of OPC, was determined after adjusting the solution pH between (1-12) .More than 90% of the lead was retained when the pH was 12.0. Results from the analysis of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman , on the soil samples retained on the filter paper showed the formation of lead sulphate ,lead oxide and lead carbonate. which is in agreement with the analysis of X-ray diffraction and FTIR measurements.

Keywords - Raman,Leaching,Lead,XPS , Cement, Stabilization.

author = {Mabrouk Hassan Arhoma || Salem Omar Saeid Elfakhri},
title = {Raman and XPS characterized cement stabilized lead contaminated soils and solutions},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {09},
number = {10},
pages = {70-78},
month = {October}