Volume 6 || Issue 3 || Version-I March- 2017 |
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Multiple Linear Regression Model with Two Parameter Doubly
Truncated New Symmetric Distributed Errors |
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Bisrat Misganaw Geremew || K.Srinivasa Rao |
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01-08 |
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10.9790/1813-0603010108  |
The most commonly used method to describe the relationship between response and independent variables is a
linear model with Gaussian distributed errors. In practical components, the variables under examine might not
be mesokurtic and the populace values probably finitely limited. In this paper, we introduce a multiple linear
regression models with two-parameter doubly truncated new symmetric distributed (DTNSD) errors for the first
time. To estimate the model parameters we used the method of maximum likelihood (ML) and ordinary least
squares (OLS). The model desires criteria such as Akaike information criteria (AIC) and Bayesian information
criteria (BIC) for the models are used............
Keywords -Doubly truncated new symmetric distribution, Maximum likelihood method of estimate, Multiple
linear regression model, Regression model, Simulation.
author = {Bisrat Misganaw Geremew || K.Srinivasa Rao},
title = {Multiple Linear Regression Model with Two Parameter Doubly
Truncated New Symmetric Distributed Errors},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {01-08},
month = {March}
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Initial and Boundary Value Problems Involving the
Inhomogeneous Weber Equation and the
Nield-Kuznetsov Parametric Functions |
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S.M. Alzahrani || I. Gadoura || M.H. Hamdan |
Page Number |
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09-24 |
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10.9790/1813-0603010924  |
Initial and boundary value problems of the inhomogeneous Weber differential equation are treated in this work.
General solutions are expressed in terms of the parametric Nield-Kuznetsov functions of the first and second
kinds, and are computed when the forcing function is a constant or a variable function of the independent
Keywords - Weber inhomogeneous equation, parametric Nield-Kuznetsov functions.
author = {S.M. Alzahrani || I. Gadoura || M.H. Hamdan},
title = {Initial and Boundary Value Problems Involving the
Inhomogeneous Weber Equation and the
Nield-Kuznetsov Parametric Functions},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {09-24},
month = {March}
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Application of Synchronized Phasor Measurements Units in Power Systems |
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Nikolaos. P. Theodorakatos |
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25-39 |
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10.9790/1813-0603012539  |
The last decades, electric power industry is undergoing multiple changes due to the process of deregulation, providing efficient power generation, technological innovations, and eventually lower retail prices. In this environment, dynamic phenomena in power systems have made ever more urgent the development of reliable tools for their monitoring and control. An effective tool for the close monitoring of their operation conditions is the state estimator. The traditional estimators are based on real time measurements obtained through SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. These measurements are commonly provided by the remote terminal units (RTUs) installed at the high voltage substations........
Keywords - Bibliographic Analysis, Optimal PMU Placement, Phasor Measurement Unit, synchronized measurements, Global Positioning System, Smart Grid, software applications, monitoring, system, architecture.
author = {Nikolaos. P. Theodorakatos},
title = {Application of Synchronized Phasor Measurements Units in Power Systems},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {25-39},
month = {March}
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A Case Study of Teaching the Concept of Differential in Mathematics Teacher Training |
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Le Thai Bao Thien Trung |
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40-48 |
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10.9790/1813-0603014048  |
In high schools of Viet Nam, teaching calculus includes the knowledge of the real function with a real variable. A mathematics educator in France, Artigue (1996) has shown that the methods and approximate techniques are the centers of the major problems (including number approximation and function approximation...) in calculus. However, in teaching mathematics in Vietnam, the problems of approximation almost do not appear. With the task of training mathematics teachers in high schools under the new orientations, we present a part of our research with the goal of improving the contents and methods of teacher training.
Keywords - Teacher training, calculus, the problems of approximation, differential, teacher students.
author = {Le Thai Bao Thien Trung},
title = {A Case Study of Teaching the Concept of Differential in Mathematics Teacher Training},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {40-48},
month = {March}
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Analytical Execution of Dynamic Routing Protocols For Video Conferencing Applications Based on OPNET Modeler |
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Dr Adnan Hussein Ali || Haeeder Munther Noman || Dr Hassan S. Hamad |
Page Number |
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49-56 |
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10.9790/1813-0603014956  |
In modern network communications, Routing protocols are getting an important function for the user data path that are responsible for controlling the routers to communicate together and forward packets by routers over the best trip path from a base node to a destination one. Dynamic routing protocols represented by RIP, OSPF and EIGRP are explained here for addressing various networks with different traffic environments. In this paper, the performance of these protocols are estimating with many factors like convergence activity...........
Keywords - RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, OPNET, convergence, and network performances.
author = {Dr Adnan Hussein Ali || Haeeder Munther Noman || Dr Hassan S. Hamad},
title = {Analytical Execution of Dynamic Routing Protocols For Video Conferencing Applications Based on OPNET Modeler},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {49-56},
month = {March}
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Bituminous Pavement Recycling – Effective Utilization of Depleting Non-Renewable Resources |
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Deepak Baskandi |
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57-65 |
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10.9790/1813-0603015765  |
Bituminous pavement recycling is an effective and worldwide proven technique of conserving Energy, Environment and Economy while ensuring maintenance and preservation of roadway network. In the pavement recycling process, the materials from deteriorated pavements known as Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), is partially or fully reused in fresh construction. The concept of RAP lies in restoring the physico-chemical properties of the aged bitumen to its original and at the same time to enhance the mechanical properties and strength of the aged binder...........
Keywords - Cold in-place recycling, Cold mix recycling, Full depth reclamation, Hot in-place recycling, Hot recycling, RAP.
author = {Deepak Baskandi},
title = {Bituminous Pavement Recycling – Effective Utilization of Depleting Non-Renewable Resources},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {57-65},
month = {March}
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Non-woven fabric filters integrated with decentralized system for domestic wastewater treatment |
Author Name |
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Sayed I. A. Ahmed || TarekI. M. Sabry || Hamdy I. A. Ahmed || Mostafa W. T. Khalil |
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66-74 |
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10.9790/1813-0603016674  |
Pilot plant composed of fabric filters integrated with the decentralized treatment plant ZECUwas tested for its ability to remove the suspended solids and organic matters presented as TSS, CODt and CODs from wastewater. The filters were made from scrim polyester non-woven fabrics and were tested on gravity driven pressure. The investigation was executed on two phases. In th efirst phase;thefluxrateswerechangedfrom3.5-15L/m2/hr and the differential hydraulic head was 1.5 m,average TSS, CODt and COD seffluent concentrations 40 mg/l, 177 mg/l and 119 mg/l respectively............
Keywords - Wastewater treatment; Decentralized wastewater treatment; Non-woven fabric filters; Cloth media filters.
author = {Sayed I. A. Ahmed || TarekI. M. Sabry || Hamdy I. A. Ahmed || Mostafa W. T. Khalil},
title = {Non-woven fabric filters integrated with decentralized system for domestic wastewater treatment},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {66-74},
month = {March}
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Quantum Current in Graphene Nano Scrolls Based Transistor |
Author Name |
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Sayed Norollah Hedayat || Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi || Hassan Sedghi ||
Hadi Goudarzi |
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75-79 |
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10.9790/1813-0603017579  |
Graphene based material application as a new centuery material are growing rappidly its carrier transport phenomenon with fast mobility have been focused resently. In the graphene family nanoscrolls because of their especial structure need to be explored. In the presented work a theoretical model for carrier transport in the arcemedus graphene nanoscrolls is reported. Graphene nanoscroll chairal dependent electrical property is considered and then schottky transistor based platform is modeled. The transport coeficient as a fundamental transport factor is discussed. The geometrical paprameter effect on the working phenomenon is considered as well.
Keywords - Quantum current, degenerate and nondegenerate approximation, graphene Nano scrolls, transmission coefficient, transistor.
author = {Sayed Norollah Hedayat || Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi || Hassan Sedghi ||
Hadi Goudarzi},
title = {Quantum Current in Graphene Nano Scrolls Based Transistor},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {75-79},
month = {March}
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The Characteristics of Traffic Accidents Caused by Human Behavior on the Road Mayjen Sungkono in Malang City |
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Dwi Ratnaningsih |
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80-85 |
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10.9790/1813-0603018085  |
The number of motor vehicles increasing impact of the issue of congestion and increasing number of traffic accidents. Roads Maj.Sungkono Kedung Kandang District of Malang has a high accident rate from 2008to 2012 according to data from Malang Police Unit Laka. Results Analysis off act or saffecting the behavior ofthe trafficaccident rateinthe RoadMayjendSungkono Malang include professional act orsaccidents by 87% is private, thehome city ofthe perpetratorsof accidentsas much as53.07% came fromMalang,, the age ofthe perpetratoraccident46.296% isaged26-45years, agepedestriansinvolved35.484% age<17th and17-25th ..Based onthe rate of accidentsper yearin theevent of an accidentat maximumie38.89%.
Keywords - Human behavior, traffic accidents, Mayjend Sungkono Street, Malang City.
author = {Dwi Ratnaningsih},
title = {The Characteristics of Traffic Accidents Caused by Human Behavior on the Road Mayjen Sungkono in Malang City},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {80-85},
month = {March}
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A General-Purpose Architectural Approach to Energy Efficiency for Greendroid Mobile Application Processor |
Author Name |
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Andemariam Mebrahtu || Balu Srinivasulu |
Page Number |
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86-92 |
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10.9790/1813-0603018692  |
Mobile application processors are soon to replace desktop processors as the focus of innovation in microprocessor technology. Already, these processors have largely caught up to their more power hungry cousins, supporting out-of order execution and multicore processing. In the near future, the exponentially worsening problem of dark silicon is going to be the primary force that dictates the evolution of these designs. We have argued that the natural evolution of mobile application processors is to use this dark silicon to create hundreds of automatically generated energy-saving cores are called conservation cores, which can reduce energy consumption by an order of magnitude.......
Keywords - Greendroid, prototype, UI, C-cores, Dark Silicon.
author = {Andemariam Mebrahtu || Balu Srinivasulu},
title = {A General-Purpose Architectural Approach to Energy Efficiency for Greendroid Mobile Application Processor},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {86-92},
month = {March}
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The Investigation of Primary School Students' Ability to Identify Quadrilaterals: A Case of Rectangle and Square |
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Nguyen Phu Loc || Duong Huu Tong || Ngo Thi Be Hai |
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93-99 |
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10.9790/1813-0603019399  |
In Vietnamese mathematics curricula, primary school students explicitly learn the concept of quadrilaterals such as parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square and trapezoid in the Grades 3, 4 and 5. They are presented individually, and there is no comparison between their characteristics. Therefore, the students will be difficult to recognize the relationships among kinds of quadrilaterals. The results of an investigation of 186 primary school students revealed that most of them found it easy to identify squares and rectangles but many of them asserted that "a square is not a rectangle".
Keywords - Quadrilateral, teaching and learning quadrilaterals, mathematics in primary schools, mathematics education
author = {Nguyen Phu Loc || Duong Huu Tong || Ngo Thi Be Hai},
title = {The Investigation of Primary School Students' Ability to Identify Quadrilaterals: A Case of Rectangle and Square},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {93-99},
month = {March}
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Concepts and Trends on E -Learning in Romania |
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Marcela Monica Stoica || Sorin Burlacu |
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100-105 |
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10.9790/1813-060301100105  |
E-Learning systems analysis appears to be simple if we take into consideration some of the approaches employed by researchers so far. But the dynamics of e-Learning requires caution. For more than seven years there have been discussions about a new generation of e-Learning, namely e-Learning 2.0. The e-Learning market is estimated to bring revenue of U.S. $ 56.2 billion in 2013 according to Certifyme.net, the industry leader in online training, and this amount is projected to double its value by the end of 2015.........
Keywords - Distance education, didactic benefit, interactive information and communication.
author = {Marcela Monica Stoica || Sorin Burlacu},
title = {Concepts and Trends on E -Learning in Romania},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {100-105},
month = {March}
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Experimental Determination of Fracture Energy by RILEM Method |
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Naik Partha Uday |
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106-115 |
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10.9790/1813-060301106115  |
This paper deals with investigation of fracture energy (GF) of concrete. The study involves experimental determination of fracture energy (GF) by testing three point bend concrete beams of same size but varying notch to depth ratios. RILEM fracture energy (GF) and Stress Intensity factor values is determined.
Keywords - Concrete, Fracture mechanics, RILEM fracture energy, fracture toughness, , three point bending, stress intensity factor.
author = {Naik Partha Uday},
title = {Experimental Determination of Fracture Energy by RILEM Method},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {106-115},
month = {March}
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E-Governance and the ICT Legislative Framework |
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Edison Wazoel Lubua |
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116-121 |
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10.9790/1813-060301116121  |
This study assesses the effect of ICT policies and practices toward ensuring the governance supported by information sharing in Tanzania. Logically, the work is organized in four main categories. The first category introduces the study through providing the background, statement of the problem and objectives. This part is followed by a research method. The study was based on interpretive principles, and it used secondary data to arrive to its conclusions. The analysis is conducted through grouping elements, which responds to the same pattern of the study, under the same section. The last part of the study provides the conclusion and recommendations to the local legislative framework.
Keywords - ICT Legislative Framework, e-Governance, ICT Policies
author = {Edison Wazoel Lubua},
title = {E-Governance and the ICT Legislative Framework},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {116-121},
month = {March}
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An Analysis of the E-Agriculture Research Field Between 2005 and 2015 |
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Edison Wazoel Lubua |
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122-128 |
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10.9790/1813-060301122128  |
In this study, research papers featured in the following peer reviewed journals and conference were analysed: The African Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), The African Journal of Information and Communication Techn ology (AJICT), the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC) and the IST-Africa Conference series. These papers are those which covered the e-government field, and they were released between 2005 and 2015 with the African context. The intention of the analysis was to establish research patterns characterising the publications in a period of 10 years. The results show the increase of published papers on e-agriculture over the years...........
Keywords - .............
author = {Edison Wazoel Lubua},
title = {An Analysis of the E-Agriculture Research Field Between 2005 and 2015},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {122-128},
month = {March}
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Analysis of Economic Growth Quality to Improve Society Welfare in Southeast Sulawesi |
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Muh. Nur || LM. Harafah || Gamsir || Abd. Azis Muthalib || Nasrul Anaam || Zainuddin Sainong |
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129-136 |
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10.9790/1813-060301129136  |
This study entitled "Analysis of Economic Growth Quality to Improve Society Welfare in Southeast Sulawesi". The research activities carried out as an effort to help the government of Southeast Sulawesi in solving economic problems is based on the economic growth achieved over the value of the national average but has not been able to provide overall welfare for the people. The aims to be achieved in this research is to investigate and analyze the impact economic growth quality to improve society welfare in Southeast Sulawesi. The research was conducted by taking samples at six districts and two cities in Southeast Sulawesi........
Keywords - Economic growth quality and Society welfare.
author = {Muh. Nur || LM. Harafah || Gamsir || Abd. Azis Muthalib || Nasrul Anaam || Zainuddin Sainong},
title = {Analysis of Economic Growth Quality to Improve Society Welfare in Southeast Sulawesi},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {129-136},
month = {March}
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The Effect of Personality Traits on Social Identification, Transformational Leadership, and Employees Performance (Studies in Provincial Government Southeast Sulawesi) |
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Muslimin.Z || Ibnu Hajar || Nurwati || La Ode Bahana Adam |
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137-142 |
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10.9790/1813-060301137142  |
This study aims to establish the role model the effect of personality traits on social identification, transformational leadership and employees performance. To examine the patterns of the effect between the variables used inferential analysis tool that Software SPSS version 21.0. The results of this study indicate that, personality traits that can improve employees performance when incorporating the variables that come into play, namely social identification and transformational leadership in Provincial Government Southeast Sulawesi.
Keywords - Personality traits, Sosial identification, Transformational leadership, Employees performance.
author = {Muslimin.Z || Ibnu Hajar || Nurwati || La Ode Bahana Adam},
title = {The Effect of Personality Traits on Social Identification, Transformational Leadership, and Employees Performance (Studies in Provincial Government Southeast Sulawesi)},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {137-142},
month = {March}
Volume 6 || Issue 3 || Version-2 March- 2017 |
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Low-Complexity Shift Register Based on Decoder Enabled Pulsed Latches |
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Sreevarsha.V || Femy Sunny || Jili K P |
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01-04 |
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10.9790/1813-0603020104  |
This paper proposes a low complexity shift register based on decoder enabled pulsed latches. Power consumption and Area reduction plays a major role in sequential circuit design. To reduce the area traditional flip-flops are replaced by pulsed latches. The timing problem of latches are solved by use of various non overlap delayed pulsed clock signals. Traditional shift register uses single pulsed clock signal for data transition, which consumes additional power. Here the single clock is divided into small number of pulsed clock and the shift register are combined by several sub shift registers..........
Keywords - Decoder, Flip-flops, low power, pulsed latches, Shift registers.
author = {Sreevarsha.V || Femy Sunny || Jili K P},
title = {Low-Complexity Shift Register Based on Decoder Enabled Pulsed Latches},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {01-04},
month = {March}
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An Investigation of Errors Related to Solving Problems on
Percentages |
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Duong Huu Tong |
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05-09 |
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10.9790/1813-0603020509  |
In primary schools of Viet Nam, solving problems on percentages is a very important bit of knowledge because
it not only provides a full range of knowledge of percentages but also a lot of practical applications and has a
great effect in the development of thinking for students. However, it is a kind of new and difficult problem, so
students often commit errors to solve problems on percentages. A survey of 149 primary school students was
done. The students had to answer 7 questions about the problems on percentages...........
Keywords - Error, reason,solving problems on percentages, mathematics education.
author = {Duong Huu Tong},
title = {An Investigation of Errors Related to Solving Problems on
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {05-09},
month = {March}
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Controller Tuning for Integrator Plus Delay Processes |
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B. S. Patil || Dr. L. M. Waghmare || Dr. M. D. Uplane |
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10-13 |
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10.9790/1813-0603021013  |
A design method for PID controllers based on internal model control (IMC) principles, direct synthesis method (DS), stability analysis (SA) method for pure integrating process with time delay is proposed. Analytical expressions for PID controllers are derived for several common types of process models, including first order and second-order plus time delay models and an integrator plus time delay model. Here in this paper, a simple controller design rule and tuning procedure for unstable processes with delay time is discussed. Simulation examples are included to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Keywords - PID controller, tuning, unstable processes, internal model control (IMC), direct synthesis method (DS), stability analysis (SA).
author = {B. S. Patil || Dr. L. M. Waghmare || Dr. M. D. Uplane},
title = {Controller Tuning for Integrator Plus Delay Processes},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {10-13},
month = {March}
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Numerical Calculation of Solid-Liquid two-Phase Flow Inside a Small Sewage Pump |
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Yu-Liang Zhang || Xiao-Jun Yang || Yan-Juan Zhao |
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14-20 |
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10.9790/1813-0603021420  |
Based on a mixture multiphase flow model,theRNG k–εturbulence modeland frozen rotor method were used to perform a numerical simulation of steady flow in the internal flow field of a sewage pump that transports solid and liquid phase flows. Resultsof the study indicate that the degree of wear on the front and the back of the blade suction surface from different densities of solid particles shows a completely opposite influencing trend. With the increase of delivered solid-phase density, the isobaric equilibrium position moves to the leading.........
Keywords - Sewage pump, numerical simulation, frozen rotor method, flow characteristics
author = {Yu-Liang Zhang || Xiao-Jun Yang || Yan-Juan Zhao},
title = {Numerical Calculation of Solid-Liquid two-Phase Flow Inside a Small Sewage Pump},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {14-20},
month = {March}
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Techno-Economic Analysis of Biomass Integrated Electricity Generation System |
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Seth Addai-Asante || Tang Hao |
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21-31 |
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10.9790/1813-0603022131  |
With Ghana's quest to accomplish a nationwide electrification where 100% of citizens will have access to electricity, various power projects are underway. However, in spite of the fact that there is an abundance of biomass resource, little attention has been paid to the potential of this resource in power generation. This paper discusses the energy potential of cocoa pod husks of which over a million tonnes are produced but wasted annually. A biomass integrated combined electricity generation system is simulated using cocoa pod husks as fuel with the aspen plus simulation software............
Keywords - Biomass, Gasification, Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Stirling Engine, Cocoa Pod Husk.
author = {Seth Addai-Asante || Tang Hao},
title = {Techno-Economic Analysis of Biomass Integrated Electricity Generation System},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {21-31},
month = {March}
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Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Cogeneration Cycle, Driven by Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) |
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Jeffrey Ofosu-Adarkwa || Tang Hao |
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32-41 |
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10.9790/1813-0603023241  |
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a technology by which thermal energy from the ocean is harnessed and converted into electricity. It is one of the renewable energy technologies being researched into, as part of solutions to the challenge of global warming and climate change. A major setback of this technology, however, is that it has a very low cycle efficiency. In this work a cogeneration cycle is proposed which is driven by the temperature difference between the warm surface layer and the cold bottom layer of the ocean. The work is aimed at improving the overall cycle efficiency of OTEC systems by reducing the depth at which cold water is captured from the ocean............
Keywords - Cogeneration, combined cooling and power, efficiency, exergy, OTEC, vapor absorption cycles
author = {Jeffrey Ofosu-Adarkwa || Tang Hao},
title = {Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Cogeneration Cycle, Driven by Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {32-41},
month = {March}
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The Thermodynamics of Refrigeration – Principles of Natural Gas Cryogenic Process |
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Dr. Francis, I. Nweke |
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42-54 |
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10.9790/1813-0603024254  |
Refrigeration can be analysed just at a conceptual system level (what purpose it must accomplish, how it can be done in principle, how it can be done in practice), or it can be analysed in more detail to include also the study of the components used in refrigeration equipment: heat exchangers, compressors, valves, absorbers, pumps, piping, supports, controls, selection, design, etc. Here, focus is on refrigeration cycles more than on the actual components used............
Keywords - Refrigeration, cryogenic, liquefied natural gas, Thermodynamics, Liquefaction.
author = {Dr. Francis, I. Nweke},
title = {The Thermodynamics of Refrigeration – Principles of Natural Gas Cryogenic Process},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {42-54},
month = {March}
Paper Id |
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Paper Title |
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Intelligent Travelling System |
Author Name |
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Sarassri.S || R.Pavithra || V.Jananee |
Page Number |
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55-57 |
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10.9790/1813-0603025557  |
In artificial intelligence, an expert system is the computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert. Expert systems are designed to solve the complex problems by reasoning about the knowledge represented primarily as If-then rules rather than through conventional procedural code Intelligent Travelling System is the system that will run on most of the phones and palms which enable the user to visit the places at user criteria . In the current situations, systems have the information about the places they want to visit and they don't have usable or valuable information about points of interest except the phone numbers and addresses. In order to overcome this problem the Intelligent............
Keywords - Aritificalintelligent, Travelling, If-then rule.
author = {Sarassri.S || R.Pavithra || V.Jananee},
title = {Intelligent Travelling System},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {55-57},
month = {March}
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Paper Title |
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Use of Biogas Energy in Poultry Farming Heating |
Author Name |
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Ismail AL-Masalha || Mutaz Elayyan || Husam Aldean Bani Issa |
Page Number |
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58-63 |
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10.9790/1813-0603025863  |
Energy shortage is a global issue that is more severe in Jordan. One of the solutions to this problem in rural areas is the use of biogas energy either in heating applications or for electricity generation. The paper discusses the feasibility of using biogas produced from the fermentation of cow dung for the purpose of heating a standard poultry house, located around Queen Alia airport in the middle of Jordan. This work includes gathering information of a real poultry house and approximating some of its specifications; to calculate the required heating load of it throughout a whole year, which reached a maximum of (62.39 kW) in January............
Keywords - ...................
author = {Ismail AL-Masalha || Mutaz Elayyan || Husam Aldean Bani Issa},
title = {Use of Biogas Energy in Poultry Farming Heating},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {58-63},
month = {March}
Paper Id |
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Paper Title |
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Agile Shopping of Grocery Items in a Mart |
Author Name |
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Rajalakshmi N || Ramya Namasivayam || Renukadevi SR || Jananee V |
Page Number |
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64-67 |
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10.9790/1813-0603026467  |
The concern of many organisations is to minimize the total time consumption taken for purchasing and billing. Through the analysis of customer behaviour, accurate profiles are being generated by specifying needs and interest and allowing organisation to give customers what they want it, when they want, leading to a better customer satisfaction thereby keeping them to come back for more. To improve the business performance of an organisation we need to automate the right offers to the right person at the right time. Our project provides the unique id for each registered customer...........
Keywords - Customers Behaviour, Automate, Mobile Application, Apriori Algorithm
author = {Rajalakshmi N || Ramya Namasivayam || Renukadevi SR || Jananee V},
title = {Agile Shopping of Grocery Items in a Mart},
journal = {The International Journal of Engineering and Science},
year = {2017},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {64-67},
month = {March}